About me

I am the Householder Fellow in Mathematics at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA. My research involves low-rank based methods for neural network compression and high dimensional PDE simulation. A key motivation of my work is increasing efficiency and robustness of models for real world applications.


Numerical results of the low-rank simulation

Paper out: Feb. 26 2024

Can we use operator learning to accellerate PDE simulations without sacrificing structural properties of the underlying operators? ... Yes! We investigate the capabilities of the Deep Operator network (DeepONet) approach to modelling the high dimensional collision operator of the linear kinetic equation. This integral operator has crucial analytical structures that a surrogate model, e.g., a DeepONet, needs to preserve to enable meaningful physical simulation. We propose several DeepONet modifications to encapsulate essential structural properties of this integral operator in a DeepONet model. To be precise, we adapt the architecture of the trunk-net so the DeepONet has the same collision invariants as the theoretical kinetic collision operator, thus preserving conserved quantities, e.g., mass, of the modeled many-particle system. Further, we propose an entropy-inspired data-sampling method tailored to train the modified DeepONet surrogates without requiring an excessive expensive simulation-based data generation in the full paper.

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Numerical results of the low-rank simulation

Paper out: Nov. 17 2023 Github

One key question when using DLRA methods is the construction of robust time integrators that preserve the invariances and associated conservation laws of the original problem. ... Numerical simulations of kinetic problems can become prohibitively expensive due to their large memory footprint and computational costs. A method that has proven to successfully reduce these costs is the dynamical low-rank approximation (DLRA). In this work, we demonstrate that the augmented basis update & Galerkin integrator (BUG) preserves solution invariances and the associated conservation laws when using a conservative truncation step and an appropriate time and space discretization. We present numerical comparisons to existing conservative integrators and discuss advantages and disadvantages in the full paper.

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Numerical results of the low-rank simulation

Paper published: Sept. 15 2023 Github

Gas dynamic simulations that span multiple flow regimes are a challenging problem in high-altitude aerospace, turbo-machinery and propulsion engines. ... Shock regions require expensive, high resolution kinetic schemes, but are local phenomena. We build a physics informed neural network based detector of shock regions using only coarse grained information. Based on this flow-regime classification, solvers with different physical resolutions are employed to enable a robust, but efficient hybrid simulation. The work is published in the Journal of Computational Physics and the preprint is available on Arxiv.

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Visitor center of the Oak Ridge National Lab

New Position: Sep. 3rd 2023

I'm excited to start my new position as Householder Fellow at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. ...

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Numerical results of the low-rank simulation

Paper out: May 30 2023

The computing cost and memory demand of deep learning pipelines have grown fast in recent years and thus a variety of pruning techniques have been developed to reduce model parameters. ...

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Community and Outreach

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Software projects

KiT-RT Github

The main focus of the KiT-RT software suite is on radiotherapy planning for cancer treatment and investigation of various research questions in the field of radiative transfer. This goal is supported by an easily extendable code structure that allows for straightforward implementation of additional methods and techniques. The KiT-RT framework is a high-performance open source C++ based platform for radiation transport, available on Github with documentation on ReadTheDocs. The software-paper can be found on Arxiv

SU2 Github

Drag reduction of airplane wings is crucial for fuel efficient flight. We use windowing regularization to build a robust PDE constrained optimization for unsteady flows. On the NACA0012 Airfoil profile with an unsteady, turbulent flow at high angle of attack, we've achieved 30% drag reduction compared to the unregularized baseline optimization. The method is embedded in the open-source, high performance multi-physics software SU2. Try it yourself with the SU2 tutorial.

This work was awarded 1st place at the Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Student Paper Competititon at the AIAA aviation forum 2020.